Sage Details


Sage Details

Palo Santo Stick

Palo Santo’s wood has a sweet warm smell and can be used to bless, heal, and consecrate a space, rather than cleansing or purifying something like with sage. A piece of Palo Santo wood can be used as a tool to light your smudge stick and works well as a pairing with many types of bundles herbs.

White Sage Smudge Stick

White Sage is a crisp and cleansing type of sage and is one of the most common types of herbs used in smudge sticks. The White Sage is one of several types of sage but is known for being of the highest quality of all the varieties available. It is a very powerful tool for clearing away negative energy.

Cedar Smudge Stick

Cedar has associations with strength and has a wonderful aroma when burned. When you think about the tree it comes from it evokes thoughts of support, structure and security. The Cedar Smudge stick is best when used to fortify a space rather than ridding it of something.

Flower Sage Smudge Stick

The Flower Sage Smudge stick is sage wrapped in the sweet aroma of your favorite flower. All of the benefits of sage are enhanced with the smell of rose, bougainvillea or any of your favorite flower scents.

Yerba Santa Smudge Stick

Traditionally used as a smudge for protection and setting boundaries. Yerba Santa has also been used for love, purification, growth, empowerment and beauty. It also excellent for the release of any stored emotional pain.